Monday, February 8, 2010


Intelligence is the eternal essence of our being; therefore, it is the nucleus of our identity and individual personality.
Intelligence is our will, our "power-to-make-decisions" capacity; it is the part of our being with which we think, and it is our ability to reason and to form sound judgments.
Intelligence is the light of truth--expanding our understanding, and it is our sensitivity to the reality and power of all truth.
intelligence is an inclination to do right and to serve others; it motivates us to become more like God our Father, and it is our most valuable application of personal free agency.
Intelligence in humans distinguishes us from other life forms, and its influence in our lives characterizes us as true children of God.
Intelligence is an eternal gift of the universe - the essence of our reality. God magnified our intelligence through his own light and truth and with the blessing of a spirit body; otherwise we sould still be unorganized, weak, and primal intelligence.

-Victor L. Ludlow, BYU 2009

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